Zone 7 Meeting - November 15, 2023

3. Open Session and Report Out of Closed Session

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call of Directors

6. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

7. Minutes

8. Authorization for Design Services to Repair Damage to Flood Protection Facilities

9. Temporary Adjournment/Continuance of Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting

10. Call Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority Regular Meeting to Order

11. Roll Call of LVWFA Board

12. Public Comment

13. Minutes

14. Adjournment of Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority Regular Meeting

15. Call Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting to Order

16. Reports - Directors

17. Items for Future Agenda - Directors

18. Staff Reports

19. Adjournment





November 15, 2023

The following were present:

Directors: Sandy Figuers

Dennis Gambs

Laurene Green

Kathy Narum

Sarah Palmer

Angela Ramirez Holmes

Staff: Valerie Pryor, General Manager

Osborn Solitei, Treasurer/Assistant General Manager - Finance

Jarnail Chahal, Acting Assistant General Manager - Engineering/Operations

Jeff Tang, Associate Engineer

Justin Pascual, Junior Engineer

Donna Fabian, Executive Assistant

General Counsel: Rebecca Smith, Downey Brand

Item 1 - Call Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting to Order

President Figuers called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:09 p.m.

Item 2 - Closed Session

The Board went into Closed Session at 6:02 p.m. and came out of Closed Session at 6:52 p.m.

Item 3 -

3. Open Session and Report Out of Closed Session

President Figuers stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session.

Item 4 -

4. Pledge of Allegiance

President Figuers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item 5 -

5. Roll Call of Directors

Director Benson was absent.

Item 6 -

6. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Public comment was received from Alphonso Espinosa, John Gonzales, and Barrie Lindsay, Zone 7 Water Treatment Operators, and Angela Osayande and Blake Huntsman, Field Representatives at SEIU Local 1021, regarding longevity pay.

Item 7 -

7. Minutes

Director Palmer made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes of October 18, 2023, and Director Narum seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by a voice vote of 6-0 with Director Benson absent.

Item 8 -

8. Authorization for Design Services to Repair Damage to Flood Protection Facilities

Justin Pascual, Junior Engineer, presented a request for authorization for design services to repair damages to flood protection facilities. He began by providing a recap of the significant damage caused by storms in January and March 2023, leading to a local state of flood emergency declaration. A total of 177 damaged channel bank sites were identified, prompting the need for design services.

Mr. Pascual highlighted the damage through photos, showcasing bank failures and erosion, emphasizing the increased need for public assistance. The presentation outlined the process of seeking pre-qualification and approval for engineering design services, including a request for qualification (RFQ) posted in August 2023. Six firms qualified, and a list was provided for project-specific proposals over a five-year period.

In order to address the 177 site damages, the repair process will be organized into project phases. The first group of repairs will undergo design and environmental permitting under an emergency contract. The presentation stressed the importance of prioritizing critical sites for regulatory permits. The design and permitting of the projects are expected to be completed over the next two to three years, with construction anticipated to conclude within four to five years for the 2023 storm damage repairs.

Jeff Tang, Associate Civil Engineer, reported estimated repair costs for storm-damaged sites at $41 million. He stated that Zone 7 has applied for public assistance from local, federal, and state agencies, expecting partial reimbursement. Mr. Tang added that to initiate design and environmental permitting, $6.1 million is needed, with $1 million proposed for the 2023-24 fiscal year budget. The remaining $5.1 million will be requested in a subsequent fiscal year budget. Mr. Tang concluded that staff recommend adopting a resolution, approving a qualified firms list for a five-year period, authorizing the General Manager to negotiate contracts up to $6.1 million, and appropriating $1 million in the current fiscal year to contract the design and environmental permitting services to address the damages.

After questions from the Board on the process, funding, and considerations for storm damage repairs, Director Gambs made a motion to approve the Resolution for the Authorization for Design Services to Repair Damage to Flood Protection Facilities, and Director Narum seconded the motion. The Resolution was approved by a roll-call vote of 6-0 with Director Benson absent.

Item 9 -

9. Temporary Adjournment/Continuance of Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting

President Figuers temporarily adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Zone 7 Water Agency.

Item 10 -

10. Call Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority Regular Meeting to Order

President Figuers called the Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority to order at 8:02 p.m.

Item 11 -

11. Roll Call of LVWFA Board

Director Benson was absent.

Item 12 -

12. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Item 13 -

13. Minutes

Director Ramirez Holmes stated that her name was misspelled on page 2. Director Palmer made a motion to approve the LVWFA Board Meeting minutes of October 18, 2023, with the correction, and Director Narum seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by a voice vote of 6-0 with Director Benson absent.

Item 14 -

14. Adjournment of Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority Regular Meeting

Director Figuers adjourned the meeting of the Livermore Valley Water Financing Authority.

Item 15 -

15. Call Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting to Order

President Figuers called the Zone 7 Water Agency meeting back to order at 8:03 p.m.

Item 16 -

16. Reports - Directors

Director Palmer reported that the Delta Conveyance Authority (DCA) meets bimonthly, with the next meeting scheduled for December; the minutes are not published until approved by the board, and the project path remains unspecified until the CEQA is finalized.

Director Ramirez Holmes reported that the Los Vaqueros JPA had another meeting and stated that there will be a reception at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Conference. She will also be presenting at the ACWA Region 5 meeting on the Los Vaqueros Reservoir.

Director Green shared insights from the ACWA PFAS working group she attended, noting Orange County Water District's success with ion exchange for PFAS filtration, emphasizing cost-effective and less frequent material changes.

Director Gambs mentioned attending the well-attended Flood Safety Open House at Zone 7 headquarters.

Item 17 -

17. Items for Future Agenda - Directors

There were no items for future agendas.

Item 18 -

18. Staff Reports

Valerie Pryor, General Manager, highlighted a few items from her staff report emphasizing key achievements and updates. She highlighted the recent credit rating upgrade to AAA, which led to the successful bond pricing on October 24th for the future Chain of Lakes PFAS treatment facility. The bond sale concluded last week, and the total true interest cost stands at 4.68%. Ms. Pryor reiterated the success of the Flood Safety Open House, which saw around a hundred participants. Lastly, Ms. Pryor underscored the positive outcome of the quarterly PFAS monitoring, assuring the public that the water provided remains below all regulatory levels, ensuring compliance with PFAS regulations.

Director Ramirez Holmes requested that when quarterly PFAS monitoring data is shared with retailers, the Board be given the actual chart or be provided with a link to it.

Item 19 -

19. Adjournment

President Figuers adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.