Zone 7 Meeting - January 17, 2024

3. Open Session and Report Out of Closed Session

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Roll Call of Directors

6. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

7. Minutes

8. Consent Calendar

9. Energy Master Plan Baseline Assessment Informational Update

10. Committees

11. Reports - Directors

12. Items for Future Agenda - Directors

13. Staff Reports

14. Adjournment





January 17, 2024

Directors Present: Dawn Benson

Sandy Figuers

Dennis Gambs

Laurene Green

Kathy Narum

Sarah Palmer

Directors Absent: Angela Ramirez Holmes

Staff Present: Valerie Pryor, General Manager

Osborn Solitei, Treasurer/Assistant General Manager - Finance

Jarnail Chahal, Acting Assistant General Manager - Engineering/Operations

James Carney, Senior Water Resources Planner

Donna Fabian, Executive Assistant

General Counsel: Rebecca Smith, Downey Brand

Item 1 - Call Zone 7 Water Agency Meeting to Order

President Figuers called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:02 p.m.

Director Narum left at 7:00 p.m.

Item 2 - Closed Session

The Board entered Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. and concluded it at 6:44 p.m.

Item 3 -

3. Open Session and Report Out of Closed Session

President Figuers stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session.

Item 4 -

4. Pledge of Allegiance

President Figuers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item 5 -

5. Roll Call of Directors

Directors Narum and Ramirez Holmes were absent.

Item 6 -

6. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Public comment was received by Alan Burnham, a resident of Livermore.

Item 7 -

7. Minutes

Director Palmer made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes of December 20, 2023, and Director Benson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a voice vote of 5-0 with Directors Narum and Ramirez Holmes absent.

Item 8 -

8. Consent Calendar

Director Gambs pulled Item 8a. He expressed support for the Asset Management Plan, seeking confirmation on its components. He highlighted the renewal replacement and system-wide improvement programs, emphasizing the need for detailed explanations. Jarnail Chahal, Acting Assistant General Manager - Engineering, confirmed that these programs are part of the Asset Management Program, spanning 40 years and funded by water rates. Director Gambs inquired about the renewal replacement program's study, and Ms. Pryor confirmed that consultants would update the database with the new facilities and determine future funding.

Director Gambs made a motion to approve Item 8a and Director Palmer seconded the motion. Item 8a was approved by a voice vote of 5-0 with Directors Narum and Ramirez Holmes absent.

Director Palmer made a motion to approve Item 8b and Director Benson seconded the motion. Item 8b was approved by a roll call vote of 5-0 with Directors Narum and Ramirez Holmes absent.

Item 9 -

9. Energy Master Plan Baseline Assessment Informational Update

James Carney, Senior Planner, gave an informational update on the Baseline Energy Assessment conducted as part of the Energy Master Plan. Mr. Carney gave an overview of the background information and outlined the Plan components.

Ricky Gutierrez of Carollo Engineers reviewed the highlights of the Baseline Energy Assessment. He outlined Zone 7's history with energy, discussed the basis for the assessment, reviewed the Agency's electricity use and greenhouse gas emission inventory, and provided a summary of the key findings.

Mr. Carney gave a summary of the Energy Policy development and shared the Plan schedule.

Director Gambs asked if there would be future energy usage projections on the Agency's newly completed projects and facilities. Mr. Carney explained that a full year of data needs to be collected to determine how they affect the baseline.

Director Gambs hoped staff could incorporate the costs associated with the production of water. Valerie Pryor, General Manager, explained that the Energy Master Plan helps guide energy related projects; however, budget documents and quarterly financial reports will still reflect the total costs of producing water.

Public comments were delivered by Kelly Abreu and Alan Burnham.

Item 10 -

10. Committees

The Committee notes received no comments.

Item 11 -

11. Reports - Directors

Director Palmer submitted a written report and stated that she will compile her notes on chromium-6 next month. She added that there are a lot of links in her report and encouraged everyone to explore them for further insight.

Item 12 -

12. Items for Future Agenda - Directors

No items were requested for consideration at an upcoming Board meeting.

Item 13 -

13. Staff Reports

Valerie Pryor brought attention to an attachment in her report that was released by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) titled "The Economy of the State Water Project." This document sheds light on the significance of the State Water Project to California and its economy. Ms. Pryor stated that the State Water Project plays a vital role in supplying water to 27 million people, irrigating 750,000 acres of farmland, and contributing to an economy that sustains 8.7 million full-time jobs, 800,000 businesses, and the irrigation of approximately $19 billion worth of crops annually. She strongly encouraged everyone to review this insightful report.

Item 14 -

14. Adjournment

President Figuers adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.